Experience the serenity and beauty of the ocean within the castle


In Cambron-by-the-Sea, you can be deep-sea explorer as an intrepid diver or simply enjoy the beach. A captivating journey takes you through the interior of the neoclassical castle and unveils a fascinating underwater world. Amazing discoveries, phenomenal fish, and tales of water will captivate both young and old. And what could be more pleasant than sunbathing on the lake beach?



Projects by the Pairi Daiza Foundation

À propos de la fondation
20 meters high

The Lighthouse Le Phare


Takeaway Bubble Tea

Come and enjoy a delicious Bubble Tea. You can choose from pearls with flavors like strawberry, lychee, or mango, in an infusion of tea from various homemade blends from the Pairi Daiza tea collection.


Become a Pairi Daiza Member

From 105 euros/year

Enjoy Pairi Daiza as many times as you like, with its gardens changing with the seasons and its activities, for 365 days, with the exception of the few days it’s closed in January and February. And enjoy many other benefits and discounts!

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