South African Fur Seal
The Fur Seal, with its dense fur and elegant silhouette, moves along the coasts, highlighting the diversity of pinnipeds in marine ecosystems.
The marine mammal from South Africa
These magnificent marine mammals are excellent swimmers, spending the most of their time in the ocean but resting and reproducing in large colonies, along the rocky coasts and islets, more rarely on the sandy beaches of Southern Africa.
Another subspecies lives in Australia and Tasmania. The male can be up to 2m30 long with a weight of 200 to 300 kg. The female is about 1m50 long and weighs up to 120 kg. Seabears feed on fish, shellfish, octopi and, occasionally, seabirds. Their predators are Great White Sharks and Killer Whales.
When diving, their heart rate may decrease by half and certain organs, like their kidneys, are temporarily cut off blood-circulation in order to save energy.
Formerly victims of excessive hunting for their silky fur (lying beneath the external fur which is stiff and well insulated against the cold ocean water), South African Fur Seals have become common once again and are no longer in danger.
Keyfacts about the South African Fur Seal
Average Size
Average Weight
Gestation Period
Fiche d’identité
- Nom : L’Otarie à fourrure d’Afrique du Sud
- Nom latin : Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus
- Origine : Côtes d’Afriques du Sud
- Statut IUCN : Moins concerné
- Cites : Appendice II
Friens of the South African Fur Seal
The following animals live in Pairi Daiza in the proximity of the South African Fur Seal