Together for the animals

Let's save the beauties of nature together.

Pairi Daiza and its Foundation have a mission to protect, preserve, and save the wonders of nature. Reintroducing macaws in Brazil, protecting orangutans in Borneo, developing a vaccine to save elephant calves, creating the largest “natural” forest in Belgium, and more: more than 20 projects are currently underway in Belgium and around the world. Thanks to you. Together with you.

More information
FoundationSponsor an animal
Sponsor an animal
FoundationRead our annual report
Read our annual report
Make a donation
Make a donation

Become a Pairi Daiza Member

From 105 euros/year

Enjoy Pairi Daiza as many times as you like, with its gardens changing with the seasons and its activities, for 365 days, with the exception of the few days it’s closed in January and February. And enjoy many other benefits and discounts!

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