
Pairi Daiza Foundation


Australian Water Dragon

Dragon d’eau d’Australie – Pairi Daiza

An animal quite timid in the wild

The Australian Water Dragon is a kind of iguana living in trees and rocks near wetlands, waterways and ponds.

Thanks to its long, powerful and clawed limbs, it is an excellent climber. The long undulating tail enables it to swim like a crocodile. It can even dive and remain at the bottom for more than an hour!

Including the tail, which make two-third of the overall length, adult males can measure more than a metre, but they are light for their size: about a kilo.

Quite timid in the wild, water-dragons adapt to human presence, for example in gardens or in suburban parks.

Faced with a predator, the water dragon hides in thick vegetation or lets itself fall from a branch overhanging water.

Dragon d’eau d’Australie – Pairi Daiza
Identity card

An animal from Australia

  • Name : Autralian Water Dragon
  • Latin name : Physignathus lesueurii
  • Origin : Easten Australia and Queensland
  • IUCN status : --
  • Cites : --

Sponsor the Autralian Water Dragon

Sponsorship amounts are exclusively for the Pairi Daiza Foundation for projects for the conservation and protection of threatened species.

Je parraine les Dragons d’eau d’Australie