River buffalo
The water buffalo, with its imposing horns, is a symbol of strength and tranquility in the regions of Southeast Asia. It is revered for its vital role in agriculture and its contribution to the daily lives of local communities. However, it faces increasing threats, such as habitat loss.
A peaceful animal
Despite its imposing horns, the Asian buffalo is a peaceful animal, chewing its food with a sort of resignation.
Domesticated for thousands of years, it plays a very important role in rural life: thanks to it, the farmer can plow his rice fields, even on difficult terrain, something no modern tractor can do, or pull carts and carry loads.
It also provides milk. It is thus both the cow and the horse!
This powerful herbivore, which can weigh up to 900 kg and measure more than 3 meters long, feels at home in humid environments: marshes and riverbeds where it spends the warm hours. It is an excellent swimmer.
There are also domesticated buffaloes in Southern Europe: for example, in Italy, where buffalo mozzarella is produced.
There still exists a small population of wild Asian buffaloes in the marshes and forests of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.
River buffalo
Average hight
Average weight
Gestation time
Identity card
- Name: River buffalo
- Latin name: Bubalus bubalis
- Origin : Asia
- IUCN-status : —
- Cites : —
Friends of the river buffalo
These animals live near the river buffalo in Pairi Daiza: