Getting to Pairi Daiza

Getting to Pairi Daiza by car


Pairi Daiza is located in Brugelette, between Mons and Ath.

Address: Pairi Daiza – Domaine de Cambron at B-7940 Brugelette (Belgium)

GPS: Encode “Le Domaine 1 – 7940 Brugelette”

ATTENTION: If you come by car from the E429, we ask you to forget your GPS and Waze as soon as you arrive at the village of Gages!


To respect the tranquillity of the villagers, please respect the speed limits on the way there and back and carefully follow the signs posted by the municipality. They will guide you to your destination without detours. And on the way back from the Park, it is equally important to follow the directional signs rather than your GPS or Waze. Again, your journey will be shorter and more pleasant, and our neighbours can enjoy a legitimate peace of mind. Thanks in advance on behalf of our neighbours.



Pairi Daiza has large paid parking lots accessible for the whole day at a price of €11.

Parking tickets are available for purchase at the park entrance, at the automatic kiosks upon exiting Pairi Daiza, or online.

For groups: a specific and free parking spot is reserved for buses.

For mobile homes: It is allowed to spend the night in Pairi Daiza’s parking lot, but there is no access to water and electricity. A camper parking ticket priced at €11 must then be purchased on the last day of your visit to be able to leave the parking lot.

Getting to Pairi Daiza by train


Pairi Daiza is close to Cambron-Casteau train station, on the Mons-Ath/ Geraardsbergen line.

A pedestrian path ( 900m) is sign-posted which allows you to reach Pairi Daiza through almost carfree streets.

The Belgian Railway NMBS/ SCNB offers a special promotion from Belgian railways stations, check their Discovery Tickets of Weekend Tickets.



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