Payment methods

Methods of payment accepted in PairiDaiza:

  • Euro in Cash
  • Visa, EuroCard, MasterCard credit cards
  • International French Carte Bleue (via Visa)
  • Bancontact/Mister Cash/Maestro

Vouchers accepted in Pairi Daiza


Please note: the only discount vouchers accepted for the payment of individual entries and subscriptions are shown below. Sport and culture vouchers and ANCV vouchers are only accepted at the entrance of the park and will not be accepted for accommodation/hotel.

  • Sport and Culture vouchers (SODEXO): via the app, or on paper
  • Sport and Culture Cheque (EDENRED): via the app, or by card

Please note that we only accept paper cheques for this method of payment, so payment by card is not possible:

  • Chèque-vacances (ANCV)

Some useful tips for your visit

  • Count your change at the counter. No complaints will be accepted afterwards.
  • € 200 and € 500 notes are only accepted at the reception.

Become a Pairi Daiza Member

From 105 euros/year

Enjoy Pairi Daiza as many times as you like, with its gardens changing with the seasons and its activities, for 365 days, with the exception of the few days it’s closed in January and February. And enjoy many other benefits and discounts!

I become a member