Symbolen van schoonheid en bezorgdheid
The Sika deer, also known as the “Japanese deer,” is a species of cervid originating from the Far East, notably from Japan, where it is revered for its grace and spiritual symbolism. With its elegant spotted coat and branched antlers, it embodies the beauty and power of nature in the lush forests and rugged mountains of the region. Despite their Asian origin, Sika deer have been intentionally introduced into various regions of the world, including the United States, New Zealand, and Europe, primarily for hunting purposes. However, this introduction in the early 20th century is currently raising concerns due to hybridization between wild populations of Sika deer and our local deer. With an iconic presence, the Sika deer is often associated with tales and legends, symbolizing harmony between man and his environment, and being an integral part of the rich natural and cultural heritage of the region.
gemiddelde grootte op volwassen leeftijd
gemiddelde gewicht op volwassen leeftijd
- Naam: Sikahert
- Latijnse naam: Cervus nippon
- Oorsprong: Oosten van Azië (Siberië, Mantsjoerije, China, Korea en Japan)
- IUCN-status: niet bedreigd
- Cites : —
Vrienden van het sikahert
Dieren die in de buurt van het sikahert wonen in Pairi Daiza: