The love of animals and the fight against animal suffering is at the heart of what we do. To make an effective contribution, the Pairi Daiza Foundation has defined 5 priority missions that motivate it and mobilise its community to take concrete action in favour of biodiversity.

These missions are put into practice through projects in Belgium and around the world. The Pairi Daiza Foundation's partners (NGOs and associations) work in the four corners of the world, in the field, as close as possible to endangered animals.

Preserving threatened habitats

By protecting the habitat of endangered species, we are actually lending a helping hand to an entire ecosystem. More than 8 out of 10 animal species in danger of extinction are affected by the fragility or even destruction of their natural habitat. The main cause: human activity, including deforestation. According to our colleagues at WWF Belgium, the forest equivalent of 3 times the surface area of Belgium is destroyed every year. The protection of habitats includes their conservation and rehabilitation with a view to the natural recolonisation of species.

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Protecting endangered species

Each species is essential to the balance of ecosystems. Elephants, gorillas, pandas, orangutans, ... According to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), almost one species in three is currently classified as endangered and is at risk of disappearing altogether one day. The protection of endangered species aims to reintroduce animal and plant species into their original biotope, but also to protect endangered animals in the wild.

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Supporting scientific research

Animal protection also involves science. Supporting research programmes makes it possible to make many scientific advances that benefit endangered species. The Pairi Daiza Foundation supports ex situ research programmes, as well as in situ projects in the natural environment of endangered species.

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Looking after reptiles and amphibians

Taking care of reptiles and amphibians abandoned by private individuals or, in some cases, seized is made possible by our refuge. Located in the heart of the park, it takes in several hundred protected animals every year. By offering them a living environment compatible with their very specific needs, we help to limit the number of animals abandoned in the wild and the appearance of invasive species, which are terribly harmful to local flora and fauna. The Pairi Daiza teams devote 4,400 hours a year to caring for these animals.

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Promoting our natural heritage

Safeguarding the world's natural heritage is done in the name of biodiversity and maintaining a balance in the relationship between Man and Nature, but also in favour of places of inspiration, wonder and rejuvenation. Taking action to conserve this irreplaceable natural capital means enabling future generations, in Belgium and beyond our borders, to enjoy the many beauties that Nature has to offer.

Contact the Pairi Daiza Foundation

  • E-mail :
  • Telephone : +32 (0)68 49 59 68
  • Post : Pairi Daiza Foundation - Domaine de Cambron, 1 - 7940 Brugelette (B)
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