
Pairi Daiza Foundation


Two-Toed Sloth

Paresseux à deux doigts – Pairi Daiza

It is perfectly adapted to living in trees

This unique animal is perfectly adapted to living in trees: its internal organs are 135° rotated in order to prevent them from being crushed by its heavy intestines. A real leaf-eater, the Two-Toed Sloth spends its time hanging from branches, upside down.

Its fur shelters some species of algae which find here an ideal environment, packed with nutrients and moisture. In exchange, the sloth benefits from the algae’s colours, varying from green to blue, and serving as camouflage against predators such as eagles and jaguars. A unique symbiosis between mammals and algae!

When confronted with danger, the “slow” sloth defends itself surprisingly fast with its long, pointed claws!

In Pairi Daiza

Two Two-toed Sloths

Laya and Flash live in the "Jardin des Mondes"

Paresseux à deux doigts – Pairi Daiza
Identity card

A less threatened species

  • Name : Two-Toed Sloth
  • Latin name : Choloepus didactylus
  • Origin : Venezuela, the Guianas, Brazil
  • IUCN status : Least concerned
  • Cites : --

Sponsor the Two-Toed Sloth

Sponsorship amounts are exclusively for the Pairi Daiza Foundation for projects for the conservation and protection of threatened species.

Je parraine les Paresseux à deux doigts