
Pairi Daiza Foundation


African Jacana

Jacana à poitrine dorée - Pairi Daiza

It has very long toes at the end of its fine legs

As for all jacanas, the African Jacana has very long toes at the end of its fine legs, which enable it to walk easily on floating aquatic plants – mainly water-lilies – which cover the bodies of water in its habitat.

It can also swim if needed, but it is by foot searching its food.

This beautiful bird, measuring about 30 cm, has a brown back, a white-yellow neck and breast and a sharp-edged blue beak, prolonged by a kind of blue plaque on its forehead, between its eyes.

Living exclusively in wetlands and marshy areas, the Lily-Trotter feeds on freshwater insects, shellfish and molluscs.

Its reproduction habits are particular: the female reigns over a harem of males with which she copulates regularly: she therefore has no appointed partner.

The males alone incubate and deal with the chicks. They have acquired the capacity to move the chicks about by taking them under their wing!

The species is common and not threatened.

In Pairi Daiza

African Jacanas

Discover the African Jacanas in our “Jardin des Mondes”.

Jacana à poitrine dorée - Pairi Daiza
Identity card

A less threatened species

  • Name : African Jacana
  • Latin name : Actophilornis africanus
  • Origin : Sub-Saharan Africa
  • IUCN status : Least concerned
  • Cites : --

Sponsor the African Jacanas

Sponsorship amounts are exclusively for the Pairi Daiza Foundation for projects for the conservation and protection of threatened species.

Je parraine les Jacanas à poitrine dorée