
Pairi Daiza Foundation


Southern Bald Ibis

Ibis du Cap - Pairi Daiza

It collects bits of china, capsules and buttons

Living in the South African mountains, this bird feeds on insects, frogs, snails and even, occasionally, on carrion, which it finds, walking in groups on high-altitude meadows, between 1,200 and 1,800 metres, by turning over stones, branches and leaves in order to chase out its prey.

It assembles in colonies in order to nest in rocks and ravines, where the female lays from one to three eggs. The Southern Bald Ibis chick has feathers on its head during its first year, unlike its parents, which are bald and have a red head and beak.

This bird has been greatly threatened but certain protection programs have had success. There is therefore no longer any real danger of its extinction, although it remains vulnerable. Only between 5,000 and 8,000 individuals are thought to remain in the wild.

Like some crow-species, it collects bits of china, capsules and buttons, which are found in its nest.

Ibis du Cap - Pairi Daiza
Identity card

A “vulnerable” species

  • Name : Southern Bald Ibis
  • Latin name : Geronticus calvus
  • Origin : Mountains of the South-East of South Africa
  • IUCN status : Vulnerable
  • Cites : Appendix II

Sponsor the Southern Bald Ibis

Sponsorship amounts are exclusively for the Pairi Daiza Foundation for projects for the conservation and protection of threatened species.

Je parraine les Ibis du Cap